Katica RoyMarketing’s Role In Achieving Intersectional Gender EquityWelcome to my weekly Q&A roundup. (Scroll down to find the Q&A.)Dec 6, 2021Dec 6, 2021
InThe Write BrainbyShaunta GrimesWrite a Book in 2021. Here’s How.It’s time for the second annual Blog-Your-Own-Book Challenge!Jun 14, 202134Jun 14, 202134
InNew Writers WelcomebyRobert RalphJanuary Writing CompetitionNew Years ResolutionJan 3, 202210Jan 3, 202210
InModern WomenbyMegan LlorenteWriting Prompt: How We MetI love Love Stories, don’t you?Dec 6, 20216Dec 6, 20216
InModern WomenbyMegan LlorenteModern Women: Writing PromptsLet’s spark that creative fireDec 8, 20215Dec 8, 20215