Negotiation 101

The 3 Key Principles to Maximize Your Earning Potential and Enhance Your Professional Journey

‘Tine Zekis


Are you ready to take control of your earning potential and unlock new opportunities in your professional journey?

Negotiation is a powerful skill that can help you do just that. Whether you’re seeking a higher salary, improved benefits, or a better work-life balance, understanding the key principles of negotiation is essential.

In this article, we will dive into the three fundamental principles that will empower you to negotiate effectively and secure the best possible outcomes. Get ready to transform your approach to negotiation and elevate your career to new heights!

ZOPA — Finding the Common Ground

In the intricate dance of negotiation, finding common ground is crucial. That’s where the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) comes into play. The ZOPA refers to the range or overlap between the negotiating parties' acceptable positions. It represents the space In which both parties can potentially reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Venn Diagram with two overlapping circles. One circle says, “Things you can agree to,” The other says, “Things the company can agree to.” The area of overlap says, “ZOPA.”
Image by the author

How It Works

The ZOPA is determined by considering each party’s desired outcomes, interests, and priorities. By finding common ground within the ZOPA…



‘Tine Zekis

Christine (‘Tine) Zekis is an author, international speaker, software engineer, and the Founder & CEO of Getting Black Women Paid