You Are MORE than Enough
This article was originally published in the Claim Yours newsletter. You can read it for free here.
I’m just popping in here to remind you that you are ENOUGH. You are MORE than enough.
If you’re currently working toward your goals — be they personal, financial, professional, or otherwise — that’s great! I’m so glad to see you working to improve yourself and your situation. But know this: you are enough RIGHT NOW.
Not only are you ENOUGH, but you are also WORTHY and DESERVING.
Friend, you are worthy and deserving of love.
You are worthy and deserving of belonging.
You are worthy and deserving of happiness.
You are worthy and deserving of meaningful relationships.
You are worthy and deserving of the compliments you receive.
You are worthy and deserving of psychological safety at work and at home.
You are worthy and deserving of your wildest dreams.